

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

We pack go-bags, stock up on emergency supplies, practice fire drills, and have general plans of what to do, where to go, and who to call in case of an emergency. Does your business have the same type of plans in place for when things go wrong? What about when things go disastrously wrong?

Consider the ill-fated maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic in 1912. If the iceberg warnings had been heeded, if Captain Smith had been traveling across the Atlantic at a slower speed, if there had not been design flaws during construction, and if the passengers had not opened their cabin porthole windows after striking the iceberg, we would probably never have heard of the Titanic. Also, not to mention the 1997 James Cameron blockbuster movie. disaster recovery, Managed Service ProviderThe key takeaway here for your business is that many disasters never happen because someone had the foresight to imagine what could go wrong and implemented a plan to mitigate those risks. Most importantly, every business should develop emergency contingency plans for disaster recovery.

Disaster Recovery Plan

At SUURV Technologies, we believe that mitigating risk is the highest priority when it comes to your technology infrastructure. However, let’s be realistic. Disasters can still come in all forms and at any time. Don’t let a failure of imagination be a contributing factor to an avoidable crisis. Smart business leaders entertain questions like these:

  • What would happen if an employee lost their company owned phone or laptop?
  • How would you respond if someone fell victim to a phishing attempt?
  • Do you have a plan if ransomware were introduced to your network?
  • What if your internet cable is cut and can’t be repaired for hours or days?
  • Finally, what if your building were flooded or destroyed in a natural disaster?

There are many things that can go wrong, but having a solid plan in place not only to avoid disaster, but to recover quickly in the event of any sort of catastrophe is how wise business owners mitigate their risk, take charge of their operations, and get back to business as usual as quickly as possible.

Disaster Recovery Services

At SUURV, our virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) plays an integral part of mapping out a recovery plan for the most likely disaster scenarios. In addition, we do a considerable amount of R&D on emerging threats, refining our risk-mitigation emergency procedures, and transferring what we learn from other industries—commercial aviation, pharmaceutical companies, and emergency medical treatment. We strive for excellence because what you do matters!

Please call (210) 874-5900 or fill out our contact form by clicking here.