Managed Service Providers
Managed Service Providers
How We Are Different
How We Are Different
So glad you asked!
Shane Morris, CEO
There are no contracts for our service. Yes, you heard that correctly... no contracts! Our clients stick with us, not because they are legally obligated, but because we add tremendous value to their business.
Most managed service providers and technology companies claim they are different from everyone else. Our distinction is that we really are. Furthermore, we’d like to prove this by offering you a comprehensive set of services featuring these characteristics:
- No risk
- No hassle
- No contract
You will be amazed by how quickly we can turn your company's IT infrastructure and strategy in the right direction. Here’s how:
We are a fully accredited and full-throttled Managed Service Provider (MSP). The MSP you need should provide and perform these basic IT functions... at a minimum.
When a business wants to make the leap from being merely good to amazingly great, inevitably they will need an expert to consult with them about the strategic technologies available. The right technology can help your business scale operations and increase profits, simultaneously. SUURV’s virtual chief information officer (vCIO) is the person you’ve been searching for. The vCIO can answer your questions and address procedural issues:
- What technologies are available for our business model?
- What is the value proposition of the new technology?
- As we transition, how do we onboard and offboard employees?
- Should we have a schedule to update and/or rotate hardware?
- How much should we budget for the technology?
Your vCIO will research the tools and data your organization currently utilizes, compare it to the new technologies available to you, and help your business gain a competitive advantage. He/she will also implement technologies that mitigate risks to your operations, such as: downtime, outages, cyber threats, and costly employee mistakes.
Finally, your vCIO will present digestible and actionable information to your executive team on a recurring basis. These strategic conversations will facilitate the decision-making process, streamline your operations, and free up more time to focus on priorities.
The technical alignment manager (TAM) is another piece of the strategic services we provide at SUURV Technologies. The TAM will audit the operational environment of your business to help ensure that it remains in “technical alignment” with the compliance standards and best practices put in place by your vCIO. The audits will roll up to the vCIO so actionable information can be presented by the vCIO to the executive team during the next vCIO review. These technology audits may include items like:
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on all accounts
- Password policies
- Hardware standards
- Automated employee training on phishing threats
70% of all IT crises are the result of a lack of planning or because someone deviated from standards and best practices which should have been implemented. ~Shane Morris
A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step! In other words, all great achievements have humble beginnings. The first step in your journey may be what inspired you to be here at this very moment. Are you asking questions like: “What is my business missing?” “Is there a better way to get things done?” "What do managed service providers do?" At SUURV, we discuss questions like these with curious-minded people all the time. We believe the steps below will help you navigate and drive your business to achieve technological success.
STEP 1: Connect
We love chatting with business leaders. In just 15 minutes, you may experience a few “eureka” insights, and these could be gamechangers for your business. We have been fine tuning our tech to be of great benefit to people like yourself for years now. So, let’s have a strategic discussion about your business plan and goals. Call or Text us 24/7 (210) 874-5900. Or, fill out our contact form by clicking here.
STEP 2: Discover
Our discovery meetings are where the real magic begins. We are the experts of internal/qualitative research. Our clients have often described these meetings as “exciting,” “eye-opening,” “mind-blowing,” and “FUN!” First, we listen to your goals and dreams about the future. Then we will introduce technological solutions that will empower your company with the resources to transform those dreams into reality. After everyone is on the same page and decides to move forward, we then enter into an official agreement and continue with the assessment phase.
STEP 3: Assess
During the assessment phase, (usually lasting one week), all department heads will meet with your new vCIO and TAM. They will present their analysis from the qualitative research conducted in step two, then use their superpowers to examine your IT infrastructure, security policies, staff, and business plan—basically every asset that is mission critical to future success. The vCIO and TAM will create a visual roadmap depicting how all company resources are strategically aligned. This will include a S.W.O.T. analysis of the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
STEP 4: Launch
The vCIO and TAM will ignite the engine that launches your personalized Strategic Plan. The plan will achieve liftoff based on steps completed earlier:
• Information from the qualitative research
• Inclusion of all mission critical assets
• Creation of the company roadmap
• Recommendations from the SWOT analysisIn addition, the service launch of this plan also includes onboarding the helpdesk, training your employees, initiating support of your IT 24/7, and addressing the issues discovered during the assessment phase.
STEP 5: Refine
During this step we focus on three things. First, we will collect data from the ongoing support of your IT—all items listed under “The Basics of What We Do.” This data will enable us to fix things before they break and keep your systems up and running smoothly. Second, SUURV will conduct monthly audits to ensure that your company stays aligned with the goals and standards set for your company. Third, the vCIO and TAM will schedule strategic planning sessions with your department heads and C-Suite on a quarterly basis. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss pain points, remediate all issues, and set goals for the next quarter.
We believe these five steps will give you the edge over your competition, improve efficiencies, and lay the groundwork for success! This is what distinguishes us from other managed service providers. Please call (210) 874-5900 or fill out our contact form by clicking here.